Dip an Upside Down Cross in God Candies

I’ve noticed something. If you took a quick inventory of the most revolting American foods, almost certainly, Deep Fried Pork Rinds would be near the top of the list. And if this offends you and you actually eat these things, you have apparently stumbled upon this blog haphazardly. If this is the case, please stop reading immediately, click here, and be entertained for hours.
While attempting to imagine a scenario in which people would be consuming fat-fried pig fat, the first thing that came to mind was a living room of guys gathered in front of a large TV screen watching football. I thought it ironic for the following reasons:
It’s over the top isn’t it? It’s just way too much pig! It’s like Americans want to be just one pig happy family. Settle down folks. Of all the creatures in the animal kingdom why be so closely associated in so many different ways, with swine? They are the animals that will eat ANY-THING! Is this fixation a poetic justice; like some kind of unconscious American confession of a gluttonous life-style? We’ve gone hog wild with pigotry. What is the obsession? Can someone please help me?