I was mentioning to Ali how when people are in a pool, the water that goes in their suits and up into their butts, loosening and washing out tiny fecal molecules is the same water that you put your face and mouth into when you go underwater in that pool.
She said, “Stop it! They CLEAN the water.”
I said “Do you know how they ‘clean’ the water? They add chemicals to it that make it ‘smell clean.’ That’s all they do. They can not remove any microscopic particles with a sand filter. True, sometimes the chlorine may kill a portion of the bacteria but the poop chunks go through the filter and right back in via the jet stream return .”

She told me I was gross.
I said “It’s just reality. Am I gross for pointing out a reality that is completely out of my control? Is it more gross to point out that it‘s happening or to be a participant in the fecal/facial cleanse?”
She said, “You’re so gross.”
I said “Are you saying that doesn’t really happen?”
She firmly stated that she didn’t want to talk about it and I was gross; However, I would like to point out that I am not the one gleefully submersing my face in a pool filled with the feces of random strangers.